By, uav-jp 09/11/2022

Russian tennis player, "I'm not afraid," he said in the world situation "I oppose war and violence" (The Answer)

Featuring US media to Publychenkova 14th in the world

Anastasia Publi Chenkova criticizes his home country [Photo: Getty Images]

ロシアのテニス選手、「私は恐れはない」と世界情勢に立場表明「戦争と暴力に反対」(THE ANSWER)

Anastasia Publychenkowa (Russia), the 14th place in the world of women's tennis world and the second women's singles of the All France, said about the invasion of Ukraine in his home country. Yahoo Sports reports. [Video] "Words and Peace" "Brave Man," Russian players who wish for peace wrote the words, "Russian tennis players, Anastasia Publichenkova criticizes the political purpose of the invasion of Ukraine. "The article is posted with the headline. He spelled his thoughts on his home country invading his neighbor on Twitter. "I've been playing tennis since I was a child. I've always represented Russia in my life. This is my home country, but I'm in a complete fear. Like my friends and my family, but I am myself. There is no fear of clarifying the position of war. I oppose war and violence. I cannot justify violence with personal ambitions and political goals. Not only us, but the future of children. In the article, "I'm confused. I don't know what kind of help I can help in this situation." It will be. " "Thousands of protests in the invasion of Ukraine in Ukraine in Russia, who have no legitimate reason, have been detained throughout the country. Some riot police were dragged to vehicles." He talks about the risks to express his opinions. "Russian tennis players, Publichenkova, opposed the public motivation of invasion on Monday, and went with a considerable effect on the criticism of regular social media in other countries. In Russian, Men's Tennis Andrey Lebleff (Russia) won the Dubai Championships on February 25, and wrote on a television camera as "No War PLEASE (stop war)."

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