By, uav-jp 18/04/2022

Safe for the first time! Get an overview of the flight permit application required to fly a drone! The new book "A book that understands the basics of obtaining and maintaining a drone flight permit" is now on sale!

◆ Easy-to-understand explanations and concrete examples are popular! Two prints are decided in two weeks from the start of reservation on Amazon Drones that have become so familiar that there are no days when images do not flow on TV these days. This book is an introductory book for those who are new to learning about laws and procedures such as drone flight permits. I try not to use difficult terms as much as possible so that even those who are new to the law and drones can understand. It also holds basic knowledge and application examples of the drone itself required for permit application. As a business, this book is packed with the "basics" of know-how accumulated by receiving more than 3,000 consultations on drone flight permit applications annually (FY2020).

◆ Although there is widespread recognition that some kind of permission is required to fly a drone, I would like people who do not know the specific content to know that the drone flight permission system began in earnest in December 2015. From the moon. The industry is young and the system is not fully in place, so there are a lot of legal and operational changes. I think that the content of the flight permit application, which is also the title of this book, will be updated steadily in the future. However, the basic idea of ​​permit application has not changed, and the permit application system will not disappear in the future. The purpose of this book is to help you understand and have an image of drones, which can be one of the important industrial fields in Japan in the future, and permit applications that cannot be avoided when handling them in business. The environment and systems for operating drones are changing rapidly, but if we can adapt to these changes, it will definitely lead to business opportunities and growth. We also provide detailed explanations of flight permit applications and permits that have actually been obtained, so if you read this book, you will be able to understand the overall picture of drone flight permits and simple permit applications. ◆ Main contents of this book

Chapter 1 Before Obtaining a Drone Flight Permit


In this book, we will briefly introduce the basic knowledge necessary for applying for a flight permit, such as drone definitions, use cases, and terms. Chapter 2 Flight Permit Application Schedule We will introduce the period and flow of flight permit acquisition in two parts: online application and mail application. Chapter 3 must-see! Flight Permit Application Complete Guide You can understand the basic knowledge necessary for obtaining a flight permit, such as how to read the application form and permit, and the explanation of the flight manual. We will also introduce actual application cases as they are. Chapter 4 Pit Pits of Flight Permit Application Learned from Case Studies We will introduce points that are often misunderstood or misunderstood in flight permit application with examples. Chapter 5 Procedures and compliance items after obtaining a flight permit You can understand the rules that must be observed even after obtaining a flight permit and the procedures necessary for maintenance. Chapter 6 Main Procedures and Institutions Other Than Flight Permits There are a wide variety of procedures related to drones. Among them, we will pick up the ones that you often see in practice and briefly introduce them. ◆ Author Profile Shintaro Sasaki Representative Employee of Boundari Administrative Scrivener Corporation Specified Administrative Scrivener In 2015, the Aviation Law was amended and the drone flight permit system was established. In order to revitalize the drone market, we are focusing on improving and solving legal issues such as the Aviation Law. In order to expand the possibilities of drones and make them easier to spread and utilize, we will respond to more than 3,000 consultations a year (FY2020) and focus on education business to in-house flight permit application agency and flight permit procedures. I have put it in. In addition to the flight permits of the Aviation Law introduced in this book, we also provide application and operational support for drone-related laws and regulations that change rapidly every day, such as the Radio Law, the Flight Prohibition Law for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, the Forest Law, the Road Traffic Law, and local government ordinances. In addition, he is also involved in inter-administrative coordination when local governments operate drones in the event of a disaster, coordination of administrative and private procedures (such as lifting the DJI flight prohibited area), comprehensive safety measures as a corporate advisor, and in-house training. He also creates and supervises many drone school curriculums and drone operation manuals for companies and facilities.Official Twitter @boundary_drone ◆ Book Overview

Book title: "A book that understands the basics of obtaining and maintaining a drone flight permit" Author: Shintaro Sasaki Price: 1,650 yen (main unit 1,500 + tax) Release date: August 6, 2021 (Amazon) August 17, 2021 (Each bookstore) Book: 160 pages ISBN-10: 4863676751 ISBN-13: 978-4863676756 Publisher: Selva Publishing Co., Ltd. Release: Sanshodo Bookstore Co., Ltd./Soueisha ◆ Click here to purchase ・ Rakuten Books https: // books. ・ Selva Publishing ・ Kii Kuniya Bookstore ・ Amazon https: // % B1% E5% 8F% AF% E3% 81% AE% E5% 8F% 96% E5% BE% 97% E3% 83% BB% E7% B6% AD% E6% 8C% 81% E7% AE% A1 % E7% 90% 86% E3% 81% AE% E5% 9F% BA% E7% A4% 8E% E3% 81% 8C% E3% 82% 88% E3% 81% 8F% E3% 82% 8F% E3 % 81% 8B% E3% 82% 8B% E6% 9C% AC-% E4% BD% 90% E3% 80% 85% E6% 9C% A8-% E6% 85% 8E% E5% A4% AA% E9 % 83% 8E / dp / 4863676751 / ref = sr_1_2? __mk_ja_JP =% E3% 82% AB% E3% 82% BF% E3% 82% AB% E3% 83% 8A & crid = 2MGHY83XXJUYA & dchild = 1 & keywords =% E3% 83% 89 % E3% 83% AD% E3% 83% BC% E3% 83% B3% E9% A3% 9B% E8% A1% 8C% E8% A8% B1% E5% 8F% AF% E3% 81% AE% E5 % 8F% 96% E5% BE% 97 +% E7% B6% AD% E6% 8C% 81% E7% AE% A1% E7% 90% 86% E3% 81% AE% E5% 9F% BA% E7% A4% 8E% E3% 81% 8C% E3% 82% 88% E3% 81% 8F% E3% 82% 8F% E3% 81% 8B% E3% 82% 8B% E6% 9C% AC & qid = 1628 528157 & sprefix =% E3% 83% 89% E3% 83% AD% E3% 83% BC% E3% 83% B3% E9% A3% 9B% E8% A1% 8C% E8% A8% B1% E5% 8F% AF % 2Caps% 2C268 & sr = 8-2