By, uav-jp 12/03/2022

Self-destruct drone debris recovery of tanker attack, determined to be made in Iran (JSF) --Individual --Yahoo! News

On August 6, the US Central Command released an investigation report on the tanker "Mercer Street," which was attacked off the coast of Oman on July 29. We recovered the fragments of the self-destruct drone from the damaged tanker and concluded that it is the same part as the Iranian self-destruct drone from the shape of the part.

The attacks were first carried out twice on the night of July 29, but this failed, and the date changed and one drone rushed in on July 30 and exploded on the bridge ceiling, killing two sailors. ..

US Central Command Statement on the Investigation into the Attack on the Motor Tanker Mercer Street --USCENTCOM

The shape of this vertical stabilizer is familiar to me. The shape is very similar to the vertical stabilizer of the new Iranian drone "Wa'id" announced by the Yemeni armed organization Houthis in March of this year (or rather, the vertical stabilizer because it does not have a moving blade). It is.

[Reference] Technical evaluation of the Houthi Iranian delta wing drone "Wide" (March 12, 2021)

However, the self-destruct drone "Wide" announced at this time does not have an optical camera, and GPS guidance that flies to the specified coordinates can only aim at fixed targets, so it is not possible to aim at offshore movement targets. Since an optical camera is required to make an attack that precisely targets the tanker's bridge, it is possible that there is an improved derivative of the optical image guidance method.

タンカー攻撃の自爆ドローン破片回収、イラン製と断定(JSF) - 個人 - Yahoo!ニュース

Alternatively, it is possible that he flew a passive radar-guided self-destruct drone, knowing that it could result in an accidental explosion on an unrelated ship in the vicinity, and rushed into the vicinity of the bridge equipped with the surface radar.

The white part in the left photo is the part of the vertical stabilizer (vertical stabilizer) of the self-destruction drone recovered from "Mercer Street", and the black aircraft in the right photo is the Houthi movement that was shot down and recovered in Malibu, Yemen in 2020. The remains of an Iranian delta wing drone.

This black aircraft is smaller than the "Wide", but it has the same delta wing as the main wing, and the shape and mounting position of the vertical stabilizer are very similar, so it seems to be technically a sibling of the same system. The drone that attacked the Saudi Arabia oil facility in 2019 was also a delta wing.

The attack on "Mercer Street" was carried out with this line of Iranian delta wing drones. However, it is estimated that a new model equipped with a sensor capable of anti-ship attacks that has not been confirmed yet has been introduced.

[Related] Drone strike on tanker off the coast of Oman, 2 dead

On August 6, the G7 (Japan, USA, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Canada) jointly issued a statement accusing Iran of being the culprit in the "Mercer Street" attack.