By, uav-jp 14/09/2022

<SLR x instant camera> Compatible from replacement of lenses to brightness and focal length adjustment.If you like photography, a new style camera you want to use once appeared a company release |

Category: Product service

Release issuance company: Kibidango Co., Ltd.

<一眼レフ×インスタントカメラ>レンズの付け替えから明るさ・焦点距離の調整まで対応。写真好きなら一度は使いたい新スタイルのカメラが登場 企業リリース | 日刊工業新聞 電子版

Kibidangoで、10月29日16:00~日本上陸プロジェクト開始きびだんご株式会社(本社:東京都新宿区)は、同社が運営するクラウドファンディングサービス「Kibidango」にて、「一眼レフの機能が楽しめるインスタントカメラ【NONS SL42】」のプロジェクトを期間限定で開催いたします。【NONS SL42】(ノンス エスエル42)は、一眼レフの機能を兼ね備えたハイスペックなインスタントカメラです。ノスタルジーな雰囲気や手軽さといったインスタントカメラ本来の良さは残しつつ、カメラレンズの付け替えや露出、F値などの調整に対応することで、より細やかな表現を可能にしています。EFマウントのレンズであればそのまま装備でき、その他のマウント(例:M42)のレンズは、アダプターを使用することで取り付けが可能です。いずれのレンズを利用しても、丸い枠で縁取られた特徴的なスタイルで現像されます。特別なフィルムは必要なく、市販の「Instax Mini」を使用でき、継続的な使用にも安心&お手軽です。新しい写真のかたちを模索中の玄人の方から、これから写真を始めようという初心者の方、少し変わった写真機をお探しの方まで、幅広いニーズに応えます。この【NONS SL42】の日本上陸に向けたプロジェクトを、10月29日16:00~12月24日23:59まで、クラウドファンディングサイト「Kibidango」で展開。目標金額3,500,000円達成で、日本上陸が決定します。価格は、プロジェクト期間限定で34,500円(税・送料込)より提供します。★サンプル貸出受付中ご希望の方は、pr@kibidango.Until COM.* Limited to the media.[Product Details URL] http: // kibi.CO/NONSSL42 [NONS SL42] Features Summary lenses can be replaced, and shutter speed, exposure, and aperture that can enjoy different nuances can be adjusted to a commercially available "Instax mini" film and can be replaced with lenses. It is compatible with a wide variety of EF lenses that can enjoy nuances, and can change the lens depending on the subject and image, and take pictures of various atmosphere. EF mount lenses can be equipped as they are, and other mounts (eg M42) can be installed by using the adapter. No matter which lens you use, you will develop a photo with a tasteful taste with a round frame. * The diameter of the frame depends on the type of lens.・ Equipped with a wide range of functions, such as a manual focus that allows you to adjust the shutter speed, exposure, aperture, etc. to your liking, adjustable aperture, shutter speed control, multiple exposure, and hot shoe for external flash. Because it can be adjusted like a single -lens reflex camera, it can be used in a difficult situation with just an instant camera.・ Compatible with commercially available "Instax mini" films support the commercially available "Instax mini" film. You can easily use it because there is no need to prepare a special film. ● Specification ● EF mount ● Shutter speed (10 mode): 1 /250, 1 /125, 1/60, 1/30, 1/8, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1 Second, Valve mode ● Standard hot shoe ● Power: 2 AA batteries ● Compatible film: FUJIFILM INSTAX Mini Film ● Film size: 54 x 86 mm (width x height) ● Image size: 46 x 62 mm (width x 62 mm Height) ● Mechanical dimensions: 158 x 65 x 116 mm (width x depth x height) ● Weight: 462 g ● Set contents: Camera body, EF mount cap, 2 AA batteries, manual ● Price ・ Price ・ Price ・ Price ・ Price No lens [Ultra early rate]: ¥ 34,500 (limited to 5 units) [early discount]: ¥ 36,500 (limited to 10 units) [KIBIDANGO special price]: ¥ 38,700 [2 sets]: ¥ 73,500, with lens ]: ¥ 37,900 (limited to 5 units) [early determination]: ¥ 39,900 (limited to 10 units) [KIBIDANGO special price]: ¥ 42,500 [2 sets]: ¥ 79,800 [Support only benefits] Leather strap: ¥ 2,500 ■ KIBIDANGO About the "Kibidango Overseas Funest Product Exploration Department (Kibitan) Business" is a crowdfunding site "KIBIDANGO", a business that runs overseas startups and creators Japan -entry projects "Kibidan Overseas interesting product search department (commonly known as: Kibitan) "Kibitan" has been delivered to Japan to Japan so far. We have a system that allows you to do all ourselves, from technique authentication, logistics, and customer support, so that overseas products can be picked up with peace of mind. "Kibidango" https: // kibidango.COM Company Press Release To PRTIMES Top


* Prices, specifications, services, etc. of the products described in the news release are as of the date of announcement.Please note that it may be changed without notice.