By, uav-jp 30/04/2022

SNS where the past does not become the past (Mynavi News) --Yahoo! News


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For example, the Japanese version of Twitter started in 2008. Are there any old tweets that could be problematic, such as the personal information of others? (The image is an image)

過去が過去にならないSNS(マイナビニュース) - Yahoo!ニュース

The Internet, SNS, smartphones, and IT technologies related to daily life are evolving remarkably. If you're an adult generation who thinks "10 years ago is just a little while ago", it seems like "SNS started just recently". But in reality, time has passed. It's been over 10 years since I was pastorally writing "Nau Shibuya" on Twitter. Even if you know it, you will be surprised. As time goes by, the way SNS is used, the user base used, and the literacy of the Internet have changed considerably. Adults may have had changes such as taking important positions and having children. [Image] To delete an account on Twitter, select "Stop account" from "Account" in "Settings and privacy". The problem is "past behavior on SNS". The other day, there was a case where the past tweets of a person who was planning to run for the House of Representatives were regarded as a problem and the candidacy was canceled. In past tweets, multiple inappropriate posts related to "JK", which means high school girl, were discovered. I think I was a student at that time because of my age, but because I didn't change my account, I was digging up tweets in the past. In addition, there have been cases in which a person who was also planning to run for a candidacy who had made inappropriate tweets in the past became a problem, and a representative of an organization engaged in activities to eliminate accusation was ranting in the past. All of these tweets were posted about 5 to 10 years ago, but they are saved in screenshots and gyotaku, and it is difficult to delete them from the internet. Back dirt identification service is also available Some people may want to spit out the unrealistic croaker on the net. In addition to the real-life account, you may have created a back account (hereinafter referred to as "back dirt") and freely repeat your remarks there. However, even back dirt can be identified by accusation. It doesn't matter when you are sued. In recent years, a service has also appeared that identifies the backstory of a person who applied for a company in job hunting. Looking at the service site, it is said that it can be used not only for problem behaviors such as whether there are past troubles or not doing network business, but also for knowing the human nature of applicants. No matter how much you hide it on SNS, you will be a person. Guessing information can be definitive information by multiplying and verifying multiple platforms. It seems that there are cases where the back dirt cannot be identified with the above services, but the era of "safety with back dirt" is coming to an end. Is my past post okay? Past behavior is not just a problem for public figures and celebrities. It's not uncommon for newcomers assigned to the same department in a company to search your social network. Even friends I met as a hobby can go back to the past posts by exchanging SNS accounts. Also, when a child makes his online debut, he almost always searches for his parent's name and looks for an SNS account. Therefore, I recommend you to check your past posts. Are you posting in terrible language, or making statements that can be taken as sexual harassment or power harassment? At that time and now, the standards of acts that are considered NG are different. It is difficult to go back to all the past posts, but if you search for "account name + keyword" in the search field on Twitter, you can find it to some extent. With Facebook, you can go back to your timeline or see your past memories of the day in Memories. If you find a post that has a problem, delete it or keep it private. If you are not confident in your entire account, it is safe to delete and create a new one. If you're a man, it's best to refrain from sending replies and comments to women's accounts and liking women. Especially these days, likes are displayed on the follower's timeline. People who follow each other may have the impression that they just like women. I'm sorry to say that I'm only paying attention to men, but many women are conscious of how they are seen, and these problems are unlikely to occur. If you have a child and have posted a photo of your child in the past, it is also important to ask the person, "Is it okay to leave this post?" When the child has grown to some extent. I once saw a teenager tweeting, "My parents were making likes with their photos. The worst." At the same time, let's delete cute remarks and mistakes unique to children. A child's friend may find it in the search. The Internet is where the past does not become the past. When you post to SNS from now on, do you hurt anyone around you? -Get in the habit of posting carefully. Author: Tomoko Suzuki Tomoko Suzuki IT Writer / Smartphone Safety Advisor. She writes articles about familiar IT such as SNS and smartphones. She is familiar with teenage smartphone culture and goes out to high school girls and photo booths. Her hobby is collecting cute iPhone cases. Her books include more than 20 books, including "Books for Parents and Children to Learn with Smartphones and the Internet with Peace of Mind" (Gijutsu-Hyoronsha).

Tomoko Suzuki

Last updated: Mynavi News