By, uav-jp 02/11/2022

"Sun and Bolero" Hiromasa Taguchi and Yunji Tanaka, including additional casts, Yutaka Mizutani, the role of conductor (movie Natalie) --Yahoo! News



From the upper left, Hiromasa Taguchi, Kumiko Fujiyoshi, Ryuji Harada.From the left of the middle, Kawaso Ghost, Tanaka Yutaji, Naomasa Rokuhei.From the lower left, Takashi Yamanaka, Fumi Dan, Yutaka Mizutani.

「太陽とボレロ」田口浩正や田中要次ら追加キャスト9名解禁、水谷豊は指揮者役(映画ナタリー) - Yahoo!ニュース

Nine additional casts of Yutaka Mizutani's third director, "Sun and Bolero" were announced. This work depicts the human pattern of the amateur Symphony Orchestra, which was in danger of dissolution due to management difficulties. Rei Dan plays Riko Hanamura, the president of the orchestra, and Kenji Ishimaru, Keita Machida, and Maria Mori are also cast. [Video] "Sun and Bolero" Image Video (7 others) It is Hiromasa Taguchi who plays the obiist Kururo Makita, who loves classics. Kumiko Fujiyoshi is dressed as a warm horn player, Masamichi Endo, and Kumiko Fujiyoshi in a bright and friendly flute player, Kinu Ikeda. Takashi Yamanaka appears in the role of Naomasa Rokuhei, the role of Masuo Yoshimura, the role of Masuo Yoshimura, and the suspicious apparel buyer, Yoshiyuki Hatanaka who creeps on Riko. Fumi Dan played Riko's mother, Yoriko Hanamura. It is Kawaso Ghost who is dressed as a long -established kimono shop and Tatsuo Kataoka, a vice -ventiler. Ryuji Harada appeared as a cellist Kiyoshi Yoda, who did not match Kataoka. Mizutani dresses as a conductor, Ken Todo, a teacher of Riko's music college era. Nine comments are as follows. "Sun and Bolero" is a national road show from June 3rd. ■ Hiromasa Taguchi Comment I was really happy with the appearance offer from Yutaka Mizutani, who longed for. The "oboe" played by Makita is completely familiar and has a different sound from day to day, so I always practiced with the image of finger movements. And at the scene where I was greeted, especially in the last performance scene, my hands shook. Even at the shooting site other than the performance, the director had a solid image, and when it did not go as the image, the director played it, so I was able to play happily. In this work, Director Mizutani gave all the characters a drama and was performed that he loved, so all episodes are lovable and cute. I felt it was a movie filled with the director's affection. ■ Comments with Yutaka Mizutani and the director's work for the first time, and I was impressed. Mizutani was very humorous and full of concern, and the site was very fun. The first horn that blows for the first time was very difficult because it was easy because only three left fingers move, and I had to manipulate the pitch by breathing. Anyway, I breathed out for a professional, so I tried to sound without being afraid even if it didn't fit, but when the camera came nearby by shooting a horn part, my fingertips tremble. After all, it is a once -in -a -lifetime treasure that we were able to play the performance scene with the Illuminat. And I am still impressed by the completed scene after the completed performance. ■ Kumiko Fujiyoshi Comment I was very pleased to be able to appear in the work of Director Yutaka Mizutani. I wanted to be able to play flute, so I felt the relationship with this work. This time, Ikeda Kinu, a flute player I played, is a bright woman who is relied on by everyone in the Yayoi Symphony Orchestra. I chose a bright color for the costumes and aimed for the brightness of the sun wherever I was. Director Mizutani at the site thought about acting that made full use of the personality of the performer, and performed it without hesitation in a very easy -to -understand manner. The performance scene was so impressive that I had never felt the sense of accomplishment for each cut. This is a great movie! I feel that it was really good to be able to appear in this work and continue as an actress. ■ Naomasa Rokuhei When I received an offer, I was frankly happy! After reading the script, I thought it was hard to practice contrabass. The contrabass was originally an experience, it was the largest instrument in stringed instruments, it was hard to handle, and unlike the guitar, the place to hold it with a finger was not decided, so I learned a little while teaching the teacher. I did my best because there was no dubbing. When I started shooting, the cast felt like a real orchestra member, and I thought Mizutani was a director who cherished the human feelings. The finished orchestra scene was very nervous and wonderful as non -fiction. In particular, the last scene echoes in the hall like a flood of sound and is powerful! ■ Takashi Yamanaka: The first thing I thought was that I was worried that I would be able to handle the role of Hatanaka well, as well as the role of Hatanaka. I thought that Hatanaka, who invites Riko, had to be a reasonable man. The shooting site was a gentle scene with always laughing. It is a site where actors and staff and each other are respected. It is the director who creates a laugh. Watching the movie after the completion, I wanted to go to that town and listen to their performance, such as unique and humorous characters, concerts, and beautiful scenery overlooking the Northern Alps. I have appeared in all three works of Mizutani Gumi, so I will do my best to improve this record. ■ Fumi Dan Fumi Mizutani Gumi was the previous work "Running Running", so I was able to work very comfortably, so I was impressed by the offer again. This time, the story of a local orchestra. Classical music is my favorite field and I felt very close. My role is Riko's mother. I decided not to forget that there was "love" at the root. The shooting site was a pleasant site, just like the previous one, accurate, clear, teamwork good. And Mizutani is already a famous director. The picture is well completed in my head, the instructions are always clear, and there is no hesitation. As an actor, the ideal site can be done there. He has the talent to become all characters, so his acting guidance power is also outstanding! I was able to leave everything with confidence. ■ Kawakoto: When I received a story, I was surprised to ask the manager many times, "What? Is it really me?" Kataoka is a type that I have never played before, and is a character that I do not hate but hate it because it is so -called bonbon. I felt that I was gradually grabbing the role while receiving the idea of ​​Director Mizutani and detailed settings on site. When Director Mizutani gives the production, he actually shows me at the key points, "This is like this", but the persuasive power, ideas and ideas are of course amazing. I learned how to approach Mizutani as an actor. It was an impression that I was carefully producing "fun", so I enjoyed it as much as I could. ■ Ryuji Harada Comment I was watching the past work of Director Mizutani, so I really wanted to appear. Mr. Mizutani gave me an offer saying, "I have a role that Ryuji wants to do." And the joy was given. I remember what I talked about while being excited about setting the role. Yoda I played is a cello player. I couldn't read the score, so I watched the video many times and hit the movements and sounds of my hands and fingers. Everything about cello was difficult. On the day of the shooting, I was practicing while meeting in the dressing room, so I was able to share the desire to perform well with you, so I think it was a "one orchestra." I would like you to see such an orchestra performance scene and beautiful nature in the theater. ■ Yutaka Mizutani comments is an amateur Symphony Orchestra, so before shooting, the actors of the orchestra members told each person about their work and family structure and expanded the image of the role. At the shooting site, it was a task to combine both the feelings that I wanted to be such a character and the charm that the actual actors had. In addition to the orchestra members, Mr. Dan who accepted the role of the main character, Riko, Mr. Yamanaka who gave a good accent to the work with a light performance, and the unique people who have a rich person. I was able to shoot happily. And I wanted to shoot the orchestra's performance scene without cheating, so I didn't think about dubbing at all. Even while the shooting was postponed for one year, a wonderful concert scene was born thanks to the practice of the orchestra members. The Todo I played is a conductor, but I have played the role of the conductor only once on the stage, and this time it is a video, so I tried how much I could do. (C) 2022 "Sun and Bolero" Production Committee
