By, uav-jp 28/02/2023

New Corona Support [Government, Hokkaido Tohoku, Kanto Koshinetsu, Tokyo metropolitan area]

[Monthly support for businesses affected by employment of urgent events or priority measures such as priority measures, time saving business and self -restraint, etc.]

・ Benefits = (1) Corporation within 200,000 yen per month (2) Individual business operators within 100,000 yen per month

・ Benefits =

(1) Emergency declaration or extension prevention, etc. There are transactions with restaurants in areas subject to priority measures, food processing and manufacturing operators, equipment / equipment providers, service operators, agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, etc.

(2) Businesses that provide products and services for individuals (passenger transportation business, travel agency, accommodation business, retail store, etc.)

(3) Businesses that provide products and services to (2) businesses

・ Requirements = Emergency declaration and mando -extension prevention, etc. Due to the effects of retirement of restaurants, time saving business and self -restraint, etc., monthly sales in 21 years or more than 50 % year -on -year.Being decreased

・ Application method = Account registration, you can apply from the dedicated homepage (scheduled to open in mid -June) by attaching the required documents (final tax return, book documents, passbooks, oaths, consent, etc.).Preliminary business confirmation is required by the registration confirmation organization (the commerce and industries that has been registered as a registration, etc.)

・ Application period = October is November 1st -January 7, 22

・ Inquiries (for applicants only) = (0120, 211, 240)

[Business reconstruction subsidy]

・ Auxiliary amount

[Normal frame] = 20 employees or less, 1 million-4000 million yen, 21-50, 1 million-6000 million yen, 51 or more, 10 to 80 million yen (subsidy = small and medium -sized enterprises 3 minutes2, 2/5 mid -sized companies)

[Graduation frame] (small and medium -sized business) = 60 million yen -10 million yen (2/3 -third)

[Global V -shaped recovery] (mid -career company) = 80 million yen to 10 million yen (2/5 auxiliary rate)

[Emergency declaration special frame] = 5 employees or less, 1 million to 5 million yen, 6-20, 10 to 10 million yen, 21 or more, 1 million to 15 million yen (SME 4)3 of the minutes, 2/3 of the mid -career companies)

[Large -scale wage pull -up frame] (small and medium -sized enterprises with 101 or more employees) = 80 million yen over 80 million yen (auxiliary rate = 2/5 small businesses, 2/5 mid -sized companies)

[Minimum wage frame] = 5 employees or less, 1 million to 5 million yen, 6-20, 1 million-1,000 yen, 21 or more, 1 million yen (subsidy = small and medium -sized enterprises 4 minutes)3, 2/3 of the middle -sized companies)

・ Main application requirements

(1) Of the six months since April 2008, the total sales of any three months are compared to the total sales in the same three months before Corona (19 or 2019).With a decrease of 10 % or more, the total sales of any three months have decreased by more than the total sales in the same three months out of the six months since October 2001.matter

(2) A new field development, business change, business / business change in line with the guidelines for business reconstruction.

(3) To formulate a business plan with support organizations such as certified management innovation

* In addition to (1) - (3), the emergency declaration special frame, large -scale wage pull -up frame, minimum wage frame are (1) - (3), and the following application requirements.

・ Emergency declaration special frame is affected by the time saving business of restaurants due to an emergency declaration, unnecessary and urgent outings, self -restraint of movement, etc.Is a business operator that has decreased by more than 30 % compared to the same month in the previous year or last year.

・ Large -scale wage pull -up slots are raised at the level of 45 yen or more per year from the business year, including the end of the subsidy project implementation period from the end of the business planning period for 3-5 years, increasing the minimum wage in the business site at a level of 45 yen or more per year.Is to increase the average annual rate of 1.5 % or more (1.0 % or more in the first year)

・ The minimum wage slot is that employees who are employed within 3 months or more for 3 months or June 2001 for more than 30 yen, have more than 10 % of all employees, after April 2010.The monthly sales of any of the month decreased by 30 % or more than the same month before or last year.

・ Recruitment period = 5th will be open to open call for participants in January 2010.

・ Application method = After obtaining "G Biz Id Prime Account", apply from the secretariat website

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare

[Employment adjustment subsidy (special measures)]

In principle measures

・ Target area = nationwide

・ Subsidy rate = When maintaining employment regardless of dismissal, small and medium -sized enterprises are 9/10, and large companies are 3/4.

・ Maximum daily amount per person = 13,500 yen

Regional special

・ Target areas = areas where emergency measures are implemented, or areas that implement priority measures such as extension prevention

・ Target requirements = Business owners who cooperate in reducing business hours in accordance with the request of the governor (business owners in the area and business format specified by the governor in the case of priority measures areas)

・ Subsidy rate = In the case of maintaining employment regardless of dismissal, 10/10 small and medium -sized businesses and large companies are 10/10

・ Maximum daily amount per person = 15,000 yen

Special business status

・ Target area = nationwide

・ Business owners whose production indicators such as target requirements = sales have decreased by more than 30 % compared to the same period of the previous year or two years ago on average in the last three months.

・ Subsidy rate = In the case of maintaining employment regardless of dismissal, 10/10 small and medium -sized businesses and large companies are 10/10

・ Maximum daily amount per person = 15,000 yen

In principle measures、Regional special、Special business statusともに

・ Period = Scheduled for the end of December (consideration after January 2010)

・ Application procedure = Prefectural Labor Bureau or Hello Work or Mail which has jurisdiction over the location of the establishment

・ Inquiries = Call Center (0120, 60.3999, reception hours from 9:00 to 21:00 / including weekends and holidays)

[Industrial employment stable subsidy]

・ Target = “Transferred business operators” are forced to temporarily reduce business activities due to the influence of new colona infections, and to send workers in the second seconded type of secondary employment.

・ Prerequisites and requirements = Return to the secondary business operator after the second period.The second source and the seconded destination have no capital, economic and organizational relevance.Don't do a ball to leave another person at the second destination, etc.

・ Subsidies of the secondary operating expenses ・ Subsidies = If the transfer source is not dismissed the worker, small and medium -sized enterprises are subject to expenses such as wages, education and training, and coordinating expenses for labor management.9/10, 3/4, the upper limit per day is 12,000 yen

・ Initial expenses = 100,000 yen per person per person as an educational training that is conducted by the secondary and the maintenance of equipment and equipment prepared by the seconded destination.If you meet a certain requirement, add 50,000 yen

・ Application deadline (planned) = Submit a report of the seconded project by the end of March 2010

・ Inquiries = Prefectural Labor Bureau or Hello Work or Call Center (0120, 60.3999, reception hours from 9:00 to 21:00 / including weekends and holidays)

・ Application destination = Prefectural Labor Bureau or Hello Work

[Special measures for the job seeker support system (vocational training receipt)]

・ Target = A person who wants to work while working to change jobs to work while working, while working in shift work due to the influence of the new colon virus.

・ Payment = 100,000 yen per month during the training period

・ Conditions =

(1) Apply for a job for Hello Work

(2) Not an employment insurance insured or an employment insurance qualification

(3) The income is less than 120,000 yen per month (fixed income is limited to 80,000 yen or less)

(4) In principle, attending all training, but as a special measure, the absence of unavoidable reasons such as work and illness is accepted (80 % or more attendance is required).

・ The deadline = Start training by the end of September

・ Inquiries = To each Hello Work in prefectures

[New Coronavirus infections for infectious diseases for leave / benefits]

・ Target person = Shift system and registered type dispatched companies who worked as a leave of absence due to the expansion of the new colonovirus infection, but did not pay leave allowance.

・ Payment =

(1)Regional special(緊急事態措置を実施する地域で知事の要請を受けて営業時間短縮などに協力する事業所で働いているか、まん延防止等重点措置を実施する地域で知事が定める区域・業態で働く場合)は、大企業(シフト制のみ対象)、中小企業ともに、休業前の1日当たり平均賃金の8割(上限1万1000円)

(2)Regional special以外の場合は、大企業(シフト制のみ対象)、中小企業とも休業前の1日当たり平均賃金の8割(上限9900円)

・ Application = can be applied through workers or business owners.Apply by online or mail

・ Period = scheduled for the end of December

・詳細内容や申請方法=Ministry of Health, Labour and WelfareHPへ

・ Inquiries = Call Center (0120, 221.276, reception from 8:30 to 20:00 from Monday to Friday / from 8:30 to 17:15 on Saturdays and Sundays and holidays)


[Small and medium -sized enterprise promotion funds, economic environment change support, business environment change lending]

・ Target = Small and medium -sized businesses whose sales over 3 months have decreased by 5 % or more compared to the same period of the previous year.

・ Loan amount = within 200 million yen

・ Funds = Business funds (including funds required for refinancing road system lending)

・ Loan period = within 10 years (within 2 years of stationary)


Miyagi Prefecture

[Full -time employment incentive (2001)]

・ Contents = Promote early reemployment of those who have been forced to leave due to the influence of the new colon virus infection (non -spontaneous unemployed) and those who have canceled their job offer

・ Payment amount = 500,000 yen per target person

・ Payment target employer = Between January 1, 2001 and the end of December of the same year, it is a new employee of a regular employee in the prefecture and continuously hired.

・支給申請手続き=郵送による申請。Miyagi Prefecture経済商工観光部雇用対策課ホームページから各種様式をダウンロード可能

・ Application deadline = 1 month later after hiring a person resignation to February 28, 22 (must arrive)

・問い合わせ=Miyagi Prefecture経済商工観光部雇用対策課(022・211・2771)

Sendai Commerce and Industry Chamber

[Founding support fund]

・ Grant requirements =

(1) Individuals and operators who are founded after April 1, receiving financing for the founding from the Japan Finance Corporation.

(2)Sendai Commerce and Industry Chamberと日本公庫との創業相談「創業パワーアップサポート」により、Sendai Commerce and Industry Chamberの経営支援に関する事業の説明を受け、同会議所に入会した個人、事業者。

・ Subsidy amount = 30,000 yen for sole proprietors, 50,000 yen

・ The period = 21st year.Expect less than 100 implementations

Ibaraki Prefecture

【Ibaraki Prefecture新分野進出等支援融資】

・対象=Ibaraki Prefecture内の中小事業者で、新たな事業分野への進出や事業・業態の転換、事業規模の拡大、海外への事業展開に意欲的に挑戦する者

・ Loan conditions

・ Limited amount = equipment funds 100 million yen, working capital 30 million yen

・ Lending period = within 10 years of equipment, within 5 years of working capital

・ Loan interest rate = If you have a credit guarantee, 1 year.3-1.6 %

・ Interest supply = Up to 10/10 for first 3 years

・ Credit guarantee fee = 1.Within 71 %

・ Guarantee fee subsidy = 1/5

・問い合わせ=Ibaraki Prefecture産業戦略部産業政策課金融グループ(029・301・3530)

Gunma Prefecture

[Management support fund "New Coronavirus infectious disease countermeasures"]

"B type (safety net guarantee, etc.)"

・ Target = Businesses that are expected to decrease by more than 5 % compared to the same period of the previous year and 2 months later.

・ Lending limit = 60 million yen

・ Loan period

・ Over 10 years of working capital (of which within 1 year of stationary period)

・ Equipment funds within 10 years (within 2 years of stationary period)

・ Loan interest rate = 1 year.Within 1 % * Separate Safety Net Guarantee No. 5 is required

"C type (disaster recovery related requirements)"

・ Target = Businesses that are expected to decrease by 20 % or more compared to the same period of the previous year and 2 months after the last one month.

・ Loan limit = 50 million yen (of which operating funds 30 million yen)

・ Loan period

・ Operating funding within 7 years (of which within 2 years of stationary period)

・ Equipment funds within 10 years (within 2 years of stationary period)

・ Loan interest rate = 1 year.Within 1 % * Separate safety net guarantee No. 4 is required

"F type (crisis -related guarantee requirements)"

・ Target = Businesses that are expected to decrease by more than 15 % compared to the same period of the previous year and 2 months later.

・ Loan limit = 30 million yen * Management support fund and new colon virus infection countermeasures other than other requirements

・ Loan period=運転資金10年以内(うち据置期間1年以内)

・ Loan interest rate = 1 year.Within 1 % * Separate crisis -related guarantee is required

・ Inquiries = Industrial and Economics Management Support Division (027, 226, 3332)

Nagano Prefecture

[Small and medium -sized business lending system (management health support fund ]]

・ Target = Influenced by the new colona, such as small and medium -sized enterprises using crisis -related guarantees / Over the last three months, sales or profitability for one month decreased by more than the same month.

・ Lending limit = equipment 60 million yen / operation 80 million yen

新型コロナ支援【政府・Hokkaido 東北・関東 甲信越・首都圏】

・ Lending interest rate = 0 per year.8 %

・ Lending period = within 10 years of equipment (within 2 years of deferred) / within 7 years (within 2 years of deferred).Refinancing is not possible

・ Credit guarantee fee = within 0.44 % of the prefecture / municipal assistance.* There is no burden of credit guarantee when using crisis -related guarantees.

・ Guarantor, etc. = unnecessary in principle

・ Collateral = required as needed

・ Others = It is necessary to submit a management improvement plan, except when using a crisis -related warranty.

・問い合わせ=Nagano Prefecture産業労働部経営・創業支援課(026・235・7200)


[Cooperation for large -scale facilities that request leave for leave (September 1st -30th implementation)]

・ Target = A large -scale facility operator and tenant business operator who cooperated in shortening business hours and requests to leave due to the extension of the emergency declaration.

・ Payment amount = 200,000 yen per day per year of time saving business or closed area 1000 square meters × Open shortening ratio.The tenant who moves here is 20,000 yen per 100 square meters x shortened business hours.

・ Application reception period = September 1-30: The implementation is from November 15 to January 21, 2012


・ Application reception period = From November 5 to February 28, 2012

[New colon virus infection infection promotion promotion incentive for emergency measures [Reception period extension]]

・ Grant requirements =

① Payment of any of the following payments from the country (Employment adjustment subsidy, emergency employment stable subsidy, industrial employment stable subsidy, bare support, etc.)

② Creating and working on planning and working on employment environment development in an emergency

・ Payment amount = 1 office 100,000 yen

・ Application deadline = December 28

Kanagawa Prefecture

[Management consultation desk about the new colon virus]

・ Target person = Small and small businesses in the prefecture that are affected by the trend of the new colon virus and may be affected

・ Consultation time = 8:30 to 17:15 on weekdays

・ Inquiries = Financial Finance Consultation Desk (045, 210, 5695)

Kanagawa Prefectureよろず支援拠点

[Management consultation desk about the new colon virus]

・ Target person = Small and small businesses in the prefecture that are affected by the trend of the new colon virus and may be affected

・ Consultation time = 8:30 to 17:15 on weekdays

・問い合わせ=Kanagawa Prefectureよろず支援拠点(045・633・5071)

Kanagawa Prefecture信用保証協会

[Management consultation desk about the new colon virus]

・ Target person = Small and small businesses in the prefecture that are affected by the trend of the new colon virus and may be affected。

・ Consultation time = Weekdays 9-17:15

・ Contacts = Sales Department (045, 681, 7178), Kawasaki Branch (044, 222, 7811), Odawara Branch (0465, 23.0138), Yokosuka Branch (046, 822, 3821), Fujisawa Branch (0466.33)・ 0792), Atsugi Branch (046, 221.0633), Sagamihara Branch (042.752.0575)


[New Coronavirus economic fluctuation funds]

・ Target = Influenced by the new colon virus, the recent net sales or total profit rate of sales has decreased by more than 5 % compared to the same month in the last three years.

・ Use of funds = working funds and equipment funds

・ Loan amount = 280 million yen or less

・ Loan period=10年以内(据え置き1年以内を含む)

・ Interest rate = 0 within one year.Within 9 %, 1 year or 3 years 1.Within 2 %, within 3 years or 5 years 1.Within 4 %, 5 years or more 1.6 %以内

・ Collateral = Attach collateral as needed

・ Guarantee fee = 0.315-1.62 %

・ Inquiries = Economic Affairs Bureau SME Promotion Department Financial Section (045, 671, 2592)

[Special funding for the new Coronavirus accompanied]

・ Target = Those who have formulated a management behavior plan with one of the following certifications

(1) Regarding the effects of the new colon virus infection, certification based on the provisions of Article 2, Paragraph 5, Item 4 of the SME Credit Insurance Act

(2) Certifications based on the provisions of Article 2, Paragraph 5, Item 5 of the Small and Medium Enterprise Credit Insurance Law (limited to those with 15 % or more)

(3) Certification based on the provisions of Article 2, Paragraph 6 of the SME Credit Insurance Law, regarding the stability of management due to the influence of the new colon virus infection.

・ Use of funds = working funds and equipment funds

・ Loan amount = within 40 million yen

・ Loan period=10年以内(据え置き5年以内を含む)

・ Interest rate = 0 within one year.Within 9 %, 1 year or 3 years 1.Within 2 %, within 3 years or 5 years 1.Within 4 %, 5 years or more 1.6 %以内

・ Collateral = Attach collateral as needed

・ Guarantee fee = 0.2 %

・ Inquiries = Economic Affairs Bureau SME Promotion Department Financial Section (045, 671, 2592)

Yokohama Corporate Management Support Foundation (iDec)

[Special management consultation desk for small and medium -sized businesses in the city (management in general)]


・ Consultation time = 9-17:00 on weekdays (excluding year -end and New Year holidays)

・ Inquiries = Management Support (045, 225, 3711)

Chiba Bank

[Corona -related consultation desk]

・ (Weekdays) = Installed at all domestic sales stores

・ (Saturdays, Sundays, holidays) = Consulting Plaza Chiba, Consulting Plaza Funabashi, Consulting Plaza Ichikawa, Consulting Plaza Kashiwa, Chiba Central Loan Plaza, Kashiwa Loan Plaza, Himawari Lounge Tsudanuma, Kashiwa no Lae Campus Branch

[Corona -related telephone consultation desk]

・ Weekday window Outpatient hours = Telephone Banking Center (0120, 86, 7889)

・ Saturdays and holidays = Loan direct (0120, 71.7860)

[Chibagin disaster recovery old loan system (new colon virus infection)]

・ Loan target = Corporation and sole proprietor influenced by the expansion of the new colona infection

・ Use funding = equipment funds / working funds

・ Lending limit = 100 million yen

・ Loan interest rate = Chiba silver prescribed interest rate (fixed interest rate / floating interest rate can be selected)

・ Loan period=運転資金は10年以内、設備資金は21年以内(ともに据え置き期間1年以内)

・ Ceductor = unsecured

・ Handling period = Until February 28, 2012

Keiyo Bank

[Loan consultation window]

・ Reception hours = (weekdays) 9-15 o'clock (all stores including loan plaza), (Saturdays, Sundays and holidays) 10-17:00 (Kashiwa Loan Plaza, Chiba Loan Plaza, Funabashi Loan Plaza) all exclude lunch break hours.

・ Telephone consultation during business hours and outside hours

Loan dial (04, 306, 8229), Direct Service Center (0120, 8789, 56)

[Special support loan]

・ Target = Corporate customer influenced by the expansion of the new colon virus infection

・ Use = working fund, equipment fund

・ The loan amount = up to 100 million yen

・ Loan period=5年以内

・ Loan interest rate = αBank business loan company 0 per year from the fixed interest rate.1 % decrease

・ Collateral = No need for principle

・ Handling period = Until February 28, 2012

Chiba Kogyo Bank

[Consultation desk]

・ (Weekdays) = 9-15:00 (all sales stores)

・ (Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) = 10-17:00 (Chiba Loan Plaza, Tsudanuma Loan Plaza, Kashiwa Loan Plaza) Office excluding lunch breaks

・ Weekday window Outpatient and Saturdays and Sundays telephone consultation desk = Contact center (0120, 608, 785)

[Recovery support fund for disasters "Let's do our best! Chiba"]

・ Target = affected by the expansion of the new colon virus infection, or a corporation with a business base in Chiba prefecture.

・ Usage = Business funds (driving / equipment) to respond to the impact of the spread of the same infection

・ Loan limit = working capital 30 million yen, equipment fund 50 million yen

・ Loan interest rate = Chiba Kinsho fixed interest rate (floating interest rate)

・ Collateral = unnecessary in principle

・ Required documents = materials that can confirm the influence of the new colona, etc.

・ Handling period = until March 31, 2010


[Management stable fund (disaster recovery related)]

・ Target = Safety Net Guarantee No. 4 ・ SMEs that have been certified by any of the crisis -related guarantees

* As a general rule, it is expected that sales in the last month will decrease by 15 % or more compared to the same month of the previous year, and sales in three months, including the next two months, will decrease by 15 % or more.Consequences

・ Loan interest rate = 1 year super 3 years 0.Within 7 %, within 3 years or 5 years 0.8 %以内、5年超10年以内0.Within 9 %

・ Guarantee fee = 0.Within 80 %

・ Lending limit = 80 million yen for working funds and equipment funds

・ Loan period=1年超10年以内(据え置き3年以内。ただし、危機関連保証の場合は据え置き2年以内)

・ Use of funds = working funds / equipment funds

・ Loan application destination = prefectural system loan handling financial institution

[Management stable fund (specified industrial type)]

・ Target = SMEs that have been certified as safety net guarantee No. 5

* As a general rule, it is expected that sales in the last month will decrease by 5 % or more compared to the same month of the previous year, and sales in three months, including the next two months, will decrease by 5 % or more.Consequences

・ Loan interest rate = 1 year super 3 years 0.8 %以内、3年超5年以内0.Within 9 %、5年超10年以内1.Within 0 %

・ Guarantee fee = 0.68 %以内

・ Lending limit = 80 million yen

・ Loan period=1年超10年以内(据え置き1年以内)

・ Funds = working funds

・ Loan application destination = prefectural system loan handling financial institution

[Management anshin fund]

◇ For small and medium -sized enterprises that fall under any of the following

(1) Those whose sales and profit margins over the last three months have decreased compared to any of the past two years (including the expected decrease in the next three months).

(2) Those who have been influenced by the new Corona and have declined sales and profit ratings over the last month compared to the same month in the past two years (including the expected decline in the next month).

・ Loan interest rate = 1 year super 3 years 1.Within 1 %, within 3 years or 5 years 1.2 %以内、5年超10年以内1.Within 3 %

・ Guarantee fee = 0.45 % -1.Within 64 % (9 categories)

・ Lending limit = 80 million yen

・ Loan period=1年超10年以内(据え置き1年以内。ただし、新型コロナの影響を受けている場合据え置き3年以内)

・ Funds = working funds

・ Loan application destination = Chamber of Commerce and Industry in the area where the business is located


[Management consultation desk about the new colon virus]

・ Target person = SMEs and small businesses in the prefecture that are affected by or may be affected by the trend of the new colon virus

・ Consultation time = 9-17 o'clock on weekdays
