By, uav-jp 04/12/2022

``The Digital Agency will not place an order with NEC even if it dies.'' Minister Hirai, who abandoned My Number face recognition technology, will go down in IT history

This is KNN Paul Kanda.

I'm surprised that Minister Hirai, who is in charge of digital reform, leaked out very rough and rough words...

I couldn't believe my was Minister Hirai's voice. The Asahi Shimbun scooped the audio recording.

The senior chairman of a cooperating IT vendor company, who should normally be called "Mr. Endo", is mocked as "Uncle". Including Minister Hirai's "show of power", there is absolutely no respect for partners who are cooperating and developing. The fact that he only recognizes him as a mere 'one trader' makes me want to doubt his qualities as a 'minister'. In addition, the negotiating partner is not the CEO of NEC, Mr. Takayuki Morita, but "threat" through Mr. Endo, who is already a mere chairman, like a mafia mastermind.

Minister Hirai was a third-generation politician whose grandfather, Taro Hirai, was the Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, and whose father, Takushi Hirai, was the Minister of Labor. The company's founding family, the Hirai family, is a major individual shareholder. Both the political world and the media world are like elite courses, so it will be almost impossible to get close to the feelings of the people who are used.

Words and power as a control tower of the Digital Agency are greater than you can imagine.

■ What is the true meaning of the phrase "Digital Agency will not place an order with NEC even if it dies"?

The Indian version of My Number "Aadhaar" uses NEC's face recognition technology.

In 2009, India issued a biometric 'adhaar' national card. 1.23 billion Indians have 'adhaar' in any system that is not compulsory.

It boasts a penetration rate of 91.7% of India's population of 1.34 billion (2019).

Japan's "My Number Card" has an issuance rate of 30% and a usage rate of only 5.5% for five years from 2016.

My Number started in 2015 (Heisei 28), and My Number Card was issued in 2016. Prime Minister Kan has already acknowledged that the cumulative national expenditure related to the My Number system has reached 880 billion yen over the past nine years.

Currently, as of May 5, 2021, the number of issued My Number cards is 38,146,771, and the delivery rate has just reached 30%. If the national budget of 880 billion yen is divided proportionally, it will cost 23,000 yen to issue one card.

Isn't it better to adopt NEC's facial recognition technology, which is used in the Indian version of "Aadhaar", for Japan's My Number?

The Digital Agency will continue to work with NEC Minister Hirai, who abandoned My Number face recognition technology, will go down in IT history title=

However, there seems to be a reason why Mr. Hirai, the minister in charge, said, "I will not place an order with NEC even if I die."

In the first place, the idea of ​​​​the original "Digital Agency" is said to go back to the time when Mr. Heizo Takenaka was the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications and Mr. Suga was the State Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications during the Junichiro Koizumi administration.

Mr. Heizo Takenaka has become a problem for providing profits to Pasona.

Dentsu, the former company of Minister Hirai, also became a problem...

■ The incident surrounding the entrustment of the "Sustainability Benefits Business" is Dentsu's tunnel corporation

"General Incorporated Association Service Design The same goes for the Promotion Council.

■Who posted the audio file in the Asahi Shimbun and why?

I was outraged by the fact that the Asahi Shimbun leaked the audio recording of an extremely confidential meeting called the "Cabinet Secretariat IT Comprehensive Strategy Office" in April this year (2021). It can only be assumed that it was a whistleblower or an unexpected recording leaked.

If it's the former, it wouldn't be surprising if the tip of the iceberg would expose all kinds of darkness in the future.

If it's the latter, you should be very suspicious of the security level of the meeting itself.

In any case, the fact that the meeting of the "Cabinet Secretariat IT Comprehensive Strategy Office" was intercepted by someone must be a problem beyond the language and the quality of the minister.

■The Indian version of My Number "Aadhaar" uses NEC's facial recognition technology

Aadha means "foundation" in Hindi. meaning. We are aiming for a basic structure.

By submitting biometric data, including fingerprint and iris recognition, anyone can accurately register their identity, and government subsidies that are often exploited in the middle can be delivered to the end. rice field.

It is also very different from My Number in that it can be obtained at financial institutions, post offices, or authorized centers.

Why is this kind of technology hated in Japan?

■ Contribution of an unknown Japanese company to the "biometric authentication" national ID of India's 1.3 billion people

NEC's "face recognition technology" is used in the Indian version of My Number "Aadhaar" It's just that 1.23 billion people are recognized for face recognition. Unfortunately, they didn't use face recognition because they disliked the high cost of My Number. It would have been easier if we had used facial recognition technology instead of using minor reward points.

Sustainability benefits and vaccination reservations could have been used more smoothly.

Originally, it was not the Olympics app that should have been rushed, but this one.

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