By, uav-jp 28/08/2022

Batavia Defense Kuminary Points Onast Island | Jaruta Newspaper


Aerially taken aerially taken with a drone, on last that floats off the coast of Jakarta

A fishing boat heading to the island in question.It seems that anglers also serve as the recreational fishing boat of the other party.

A naturally rich onast island.I want to return slowly with a lunch

バタビア防衛の要衝へ オンラスト島 | じゃかるた新聞

The ship moved to sew the farm, and eventually came to see the on last.

A trace of a fort suitable for the ocean?I want an expert's commentary

 I visited Kojima, which floats off Jakarta, and on last. Last April, a project began to redevelop the area from Kota Tua to Sunda Clapo Port. However, "If you want to convert historic sites in the Batavia era, you must not forget the defense base floating in Jakarta." I was always worried about such a story by an acquaintance in Indonesian. It was the third time to aim for the on last. However, in December last year, when the deregulation of the new colon virus was expanded, the deregulation was progressing, and the visit was fully visited. A motorcycle from my house in Central Jakarta is the Camar Fish Market, which is close to Pantai Inda Capook (PIK) on the artificial island. When we arrived, it was around 8:00 am, and the open -air merchants were already preparing for them. To go to the island, you need to negotiate with a fisherman who has finished a job and charter a fishing boat. It was just the right time. I found a tour with guided guides on the net, but I guess there are few participants due to the corona evil. Everywhere we had a tour, and we had to break through the front with a fishing boat charter. While walking in the fish market, a woman who claims to be a "guide" calls out. She said, "400,000 lupiah, which is a waste on the island alone, so I can stay on the island as much as I want." I don't know the market price, but if you negotiate the price for the time being, it will be 250,000 Rupia. She got on an old fishing boat with a woman's guidance. After the departure, the ship will go north, but from the sea, you can see that there are a variety of farms in Jakarta Bay. While looking at the citizens running by bicycle on PIK, the ship berthed on the Ondast Island in about 40 minutes. It is said that the onast island, located in a corner of the so -called plaus ribs, is managed as a natural park under the jurisdiction of the Jakarta Special State government. For this reason, when you get off the boat, you will be greeted by a state government official, first registration, and pay 5,000 rupiah, the admission fee. The island was as small as 15 minutes on foot, but the sea breeze was missing on the rich path of nature and it was pleasant. However, the historic site that I expected has little traces. There is a museum in the center of the island, but the preservation of the exhibits is not good. The explanation was also a problem with our reading ability, but I was sorry that the letters were faint and I was not sure. So I returned to the ship and tried to go to the next island, but the engine smelled burnt. The captain sneaked into his engine room, struggling with the engine, and the ship began to drift for nearly two hours. The radio waves of the mobile phone were interrupted and I felt impatient, but when I had no time to give up on the remaining two islands, the engine that should have been upset increased. Moreover, he speeded up from the outbound route and returned to the fish market in no time. Finding the guide mentioned above, explaining the whole story and complaining, he said, "Today is Friday. The time of worship is imminent ..." I see. Annoyance is worth a revenge, but a reminder of the Dutch voyage. I want to ask for a guide and return to revisit. (Shuto Hasegawa, photos)