By, uav-jp 05/07/2022

In 2021, the total digital camera shipment was 8.36 million units, a slight decline from the previous year.Mirrorless is the only growth -digital camera Watch


The total number of digital cameras in December was 686,504 units (93.7 % from the previous month), and the amount was 41,281,862,000 yen (77.7 % from the previous month).Compared to last month, the number was 81.2 % and the amount was 90.1 %, the decrease in the month.

2021年のデジタルカメラ総出荷は836万台で前年から微減。ミラーレスが唯一伸長 - デジカメ Watch

Looking at the breakdown, the only one that showed the SLR camera was.The number was 214,121 units (133.0 % from the previous month), and the price was 8,065,089,000 yen (119.4 % from the previous month).It has grown significantly since the previous month.In addition, the number of units was 109.4 % and the price of 92.6 % compared to last month, which was generally strong.

Mirrorless camera was the largest depression from the previous month.The number was 232,900 units (78.5 % year -on -year), and the amount was 27,277,777,000 yen (69.8 % from the previous month).The number on the same month was down to 72.2 % and the price of 89.6 % on the same month.

The number of lenses -integrated cameras was 239,483 units (87.1 % from the previous month), and the amount was 5,943,986,000 yen (81.3 % from the previous month).Compared to last month, the number was 73.2 % and the amount was 88.7 %.