By, uav-jp 11/09/2022

Two models "Sound Air" with the latest complete wireless earphone with a loss prevention function are announced! | AppBank

On September 24, 2020, two new wireless earphones have been announced from the SoftBank Group's audio brand "GLIDIC", which is celebrating its fifth year!

It is an earphone with a loss prevention function that supplements the disadvantages of complete wireless that is easy to lose!

Sound Air series latest two models

The newly announced Sound Air "TW-7100" and "TW-5100" will be the successor to the "TW-7000" and "TW-5000" released in 2018.He came back with power up from the previous work, such as extension of continuous operation time and installing the new function "TILE"!

In pursuit of "Design without gadget gadgets" and "design that blends into everyday life", it is designed to focus on focusing on ears more than the previous work.The design is supervised by Canal Works, which is the strongest in Japan.

The Sound Air TW-7100 uses an unusual aluminum in a completely wireless earphone in the case, so it feels good and has a solid feeling and creates an adult atmosphere.For a higher -grade professional -oriented person!

On the other hand, the Sound Air TW-5100 is recommended for those who want to switch from wired to wireless, under the keyword "wireless earphones more casual"!

Equipped with a new function "TILE" to prevent loss

The most important thing to keep in mind when using a complete wireless earphone!I often hear stories about being completely cordless, so I don't know where I got in the house, or I lost it in the city.Finally attached, loss prevention function!!

紛失防止機能がついた最新完全ワイヤレスイヤホン「Sound Air」2機種が発表! | AppBank

From this Sound Air "TW-7100" and "TW-5100", the searcher "TILE" function is installed.If you download the dedicated application "TILE" and link it with the earphones, you will be able to sound the sound of the earphone in the app and tell you the place you last connected even if you lose it!

This function, which solves the worries of all the complete wireless earphones, can only be said to be the best in a modest way.

Charging for both models is USB Type-C.It has a high-speed charging function, so it is surprising that the "TW-5100" can be used for about 2 hours and the "TW-7100" can be used for about 3 hours!The continuous operation time is 8 hours and 12 hours.

In addition, the external sound import function installed in the previous model is further powered up, so it is raining because it is waterproof of IPX4 because it does not get on the train.I'm glad that you can use it with confidence.

It is thankful that the sales reference price can be purchased at an affordable price, including tax for TW-5100, including tax, "TW-7100" including tax!Colorable.The "TW-7100" can be selected from two colors, Urban Black and Champagne Gold, and the "TW-5100" can be selected from white, black and light blue.

▼ "TW-7100"

▼ "TW-5100"

I won't lose my earphones anymore!

The new feature of loss prevention was a nice feature for those who have lost their wireless earphones in the past, those who are likely to lose and are scared, and those who have not reached completely wirelessly!Why don't you take this opportunity to get Glidic's new product Sound Air "TW-7100" and "TW-5100"!

The release is October 23, 2020.

In addition, the reservation has started on September 24, 2020, so if you are worried, please check it out!

新型完全ワイヤレスイヤホン2種の予約はこちらから▼ "TW-7100"Amazon楽天市場

▼ "TW-5100"Amazon楽天市場

画像はSB C&Sより