By, uav-jp 29/09/2022

Vol.29 Urban Air Mobility, which reconstructs empty movements, is coming![Drone Design] | DRONE

This is an empty transportation called Passenger Drone, Flying (Air) and Taxi, which has been introduced in various ways, but it will attract attention as a new growth market called Urban Air Mobility = UAM.I am.

UAM is also called a new urban transportation system and is defined as a system or service that carries passengers and luggage in cities and suburbs.In metropolitan areas where the population is concentrated, it appeared as a means of efficiently traveling on land routes to avoid traffic congestion, and eventually research and development began in earnest as one of the essential elements for smart city concepts.Around 2015, ventures from the development of the aircraft to operations appeared one after another.While cities around the world resume economic activities toward postcolona, the need for environmental measures due to climate change has increased the number of entry from the automotive industry and the aviation industry, and investment is accelerating at a stretch.

The UAM market was about $ 2.6 billion in 2020, but it was said to grow to $ 9.1 billion in 2030.The number has changed a lot depending on the research company, and it is expected that the market will already have a market size of about $ 5.8 billion in 2019, and will be more than $ 100 billion in 2035, which is said to begin full -scale services.。

Reference: Research station, global information

The venture to be invested is growing steadily.In business development, EHANG of China, which is greatly ahead, has been listed on NASDAQ in September 2019, and has announced that it has started mass production of aircraft for full -fledged services.JOBY AVIATION, which was listed on NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) in August this year, has invested about $ 400 million in the development and production of EVTOL.In the following month, Lilium in Germany will be listed on NASDAQ, and in 2024, 7 -seat Lilium Jet will be served in multiple cities.Volocopter in Germany, who had started UAM as soon as possible, partnered with Urban Movement Labs, based in Los Angeles, and released a two -seater Volocopter 2X test flight in August.

It is the existence of national and local governments that come here and accelerate the UAM.Demonstration experiments are still difficult in large cities called mega City, but in areas where the population is concentrated around it, we are trying to use UAM as a hub between cities.UAM is a central entity in the concept video that depicts smart city, and the future city planning seems to be promoted by empty movement and automatic driving cars.

Concept movie announced by Honda

Shift Mobility, a platform that shares the latest trends of the world's urban mobility, is UAM as the next expected mobility in the international convention "SHIFT X" held in Berlin and online hybrids in September this year.I have taken up.

Andreas Perotti, the highest in European marketing of Ehang, who appeared on one of the programs "Urban Air Mobility -Which WILL We START TO FLY?)"It is still around the 1920s, but there is no need to build roads and tunnels, so if the industry standard is decided, various players will participate and grow rapidly. "According to PRAJWAL SHIVA PRAKASHA, researcher at German Aerospace Center, "The operation issues vary depending on the region, but many companies have skipped UAMs in about two years from the start, and they do not clear technical problems such as weather measures.I'm commenting.

気になる利用価格については、ヘリコプターのイノベーションなので通常より運用や整備コストは下がるはずだし、富裕層だけが利用するものにならないよう気をつけるとしています。そのためには、機体の開発からルート設計、ユーザーとのつながりまで競合ではなくコラボレーションできる、バリューチェーンのエコシステムを目指す必要があるとの意見もありました。ドイツの都市ハンブルグの航空産業クラスタであるHamburg Aviationで、Windrove&UAMプロジェクトのリーダーであるDaniela Richter氏は「いきなり大規模な運用を始めるのではなく、小さな規模から確実にUAMを浸透させる」と言います。

When I saw this program, I felt that UAM needed new ideas based on existing air regulations and traffic regulations.For example, if you can hear noise from above the sky, you will feel more fearful than usual, and route design, including safety, requires caution.The development of the aircraft itself is important to fly quietly over the city with the shortest route, and it may be the beginning, including the design.

In Japan, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism held the "Public and Tourism Council for the Moving Revolution of the Sky," in 2018, and at the seventh meeting held in May, Toyota, Joby Aviation.Volocopter has joined the members.In addition, Osaka City and Osaka Prefecture have set up a "Osaka / Kansai Expo x Flying Flying Car Implementation Task Force", which will realize a "flying car" in accordance with the Osaka World Expo held in 2025.Is announced as Skydrive.Mie Prefecture is also participating in a partner of UAM Initiative City Cities Community (UIC2) in Europe, and it is likely to move in local governments.

UAM is likely to be a hot topic in the future, but in the near future, a conference "COMOTION LA" will be held in November, including UAMs, including UAMs, with the theme of reforming mobility systems in cities.If there is, I will introduce it here.