By, uav-jp 17/06/2022

What is the essence of working?"Corporate true intentions" who take the second step to the introduction --Cnet Japan

 Working in 2021 began to attract attention.According to a survey of Middle generation over the age of 35 (2420) by En Japan, which was announced in January, the recognition of the work was 70 %, and those who answered "I want to work" as a whole.I got to 60 %.

 On the other hand, only 7 % of actual experienced people.Although only words have become well known, few people have practiced at this time.That is the situation around Japan.

 In this series, in all five times, he himself traveled to Tokyo, Nagasaki Prefecture and Goto Islands almost every month, and continued to be involved in the management of workings called "about 40 % of applicants are the decision -making layers of the organization".Mika Suzuki, a journey and representative director who is a general incorporated association, will explain the super -introductory edition for business people.

It was a super niche work style in front of Corona ...

 "What is the workings in the first place?"

 As you can often say, "Working" is a coined word of "WORK (work)" and "Vacation".I think it's Japanese -made English, but it's a word that has been used in Europe and the United States since the 2000s, and there are two streets of "Workation" and "Workation".

 It generally refers to a work style where you leave the hustle and bustle of the city and work in a resort, serving as a vacation, but it does not necessarily lead to urban travel, but staying in a comfortable hotel in the city for a few days.However, the style of working while enjoying extraordinary life seems to be called "work" overseas.When I asked an acquaintance from the author Singapore, "Do you know how to work?", He said that he was the first to imagine the latter "style of staying at a hotel in the city on weekends."


 It was around 2018 that the word "work" began to spread in Japan.Shirahama -cho, Wakayama, which is now called the "sacred place of workings", began to promote the town by raising the town in 2017 before that.We started planning and operating remote work and workings in the Goto Islands, Nagasaki Prefecture, from 2018 to 2019.

 When there is no Corona's "U" character yet, the working participant has already been in a job, such as a free lancer programmer, creator, writer and public relations PR that can work without being tied to the location.Most of the people working in IT companies in the company were in the company.Inside, the boss's approval was not obtained because the system for remote work has not yet been set up, so "I got paid", "I have been treated as a business trip", "I have a secret to the company."I came in. "

 Remote work has been completely established due to the spread of the new colon virus, but there is a feeling of separation, but in 2019 in front of Corona, remote work has not yet penetrated the society, and some workings are partial.It was a "super niche" work style that only limited people practice.

 In order to excite the tourism demand that fell at a stretch due to the trend of the new colon virus, it has been attracting attention since July 2020 said that Secretary -General Yoshiyoshi Suga (then) said that he would "work on the spread of workings."It has come to be like.Even in Japan, the number of players in the workings, which had only been counted, has increased at a stretch, and the more "major feeling" has gradually increased as it can be featured on television.That is the current situation of working in Japan.

There are three types of "WORK" in the workings

 In such a case, the work is suddenly becoming a major from a super minor to Corona, but how do you actually spend?

 As I mentioned earlier, workings consist of "WORK (work)" and "Vacation".There are several patterns of "work" in a word.The word "work" and a set often introduces an ocean view workplace and a scene where a PC is opened in a forest surrounded by greenery, but what kind of "WORK" you are actually doing is what you actually do., It is not spoken very highly.

 "WORK" in the working is roughly divided into the following three.

(1) Make the same work I usually do (2) Do what I can't usually do (3) Find the material of the next job

ワーケーションの本質とは?導入に二の足を踏む「企業の本音」 - CNET Japan

 (1) is the most easy to imagine "WORK".

 We will proceed with routine work while communicating with colleagues as usual in communication tools such as Slack, ChatWork, and Microsoft Teams, which are rapidly spread by Corona.Participate in meetings and meetings as usual at ZOOM and Google Meet.If you are in a position with subordinates and team members, such as manager or managers, you can also check progress, feedback, and evaluation.

 (2) "Doing work that you can't usually do" is a "WORK" that you usually take time and energy in (1), but you can't start while thinking "I have to do it".For example, there are "discussing carefully with work colleagues and team members", "thinking about new business planning and business models", "loading materials and data and input into your head".Regarding (2), an environment like (1) is not necessarily necessary.On the contrary, in an environment where Wi-Fi, no radio waves, and smartphones cannot be seen, it is better to concentrate on, talk, and read.

 While (1) and (2) are "current job", (3) "Search for the next job" is "future work".If you are in the work of planning something, such as editors, creators, and planners, buy new stories that are likely to lead to the next job.If you are in a position to launch a business, look for a story to consider a new project.In addition, those who are one of the main businesses but want to do a side job or multiple jobs, find a parallel carrier hint that seems to be "this will make use of their special skills" and "it seems to be fun if they work together with their main business".Also enter (3).In other words, it is time to design your future work.

 As will be mentioned in the next article in the next article, when talking about "WORK" in the workingings, it tends to be biased in "1)" everyday work ".However, if you go on a distant place and work there, it is more meaningful to increase the specific gravity of (2) and (3).


Companing employees also design the work style

 As a whole, we will tell you that the work is a hint that helps you to re -design with/After Corona's life.

 In the future, business people should be given as much freedom that could not be considered in front of Corona in the work style.Remote work has become commonplace, and "you can work anytime and anywhere", which could only be practiced by some freelancers such as designers and programmers in front of Corona, is becoming a common option.In addition, side jobs and job -type adoption that make use of specialty have been lifted, and the options of working with a team on a project -based work regardless of internal and outside the company, and working in both "cities" and "regions" are realistic.It came out as a thing.The government and companies are continuing to take many measures to support such trends.

 When you get such a "degree of freedom", how do you design your work style?This is the challenge that all our Corona will face.And working is one effective way to answer the task.


The true intention of a company saying "I want benefits other than the refreshment of employees ..."

 We hope that this series will not only be read by companies who are considering working as a company system ...?increase.

 One of the most common advantages of companies introducing workings is that they refresh by working in an environment surrounded by nature, increasing employees' QOL and labor productivity. "。Certainly, if you are free from commuting rush and work for the ocean view desk in the seaside town, you will feel better.If you don't get tired on a crowded train, your work may proceed quickly, and since you don't have commuting time in the first place, if you use that time to run or surfing activities, you will be more fulfilling.

 However, as a company, "Refreshing employees" alone cannot actively send employees to work.I really want the benefits that can be more effective in management and human resource development.Beyond the various hurdles above, we are stepping on the workings.

 And there is a situation in which the work planning and management nationwide, from the government to the private sector, have not clearly presented such a company from the government to the private sector.In this series, based on the examples, even if a company in a position to judge whether or not to send employees will be sent, based on examples, based on examples of the "efficacy" that will be convinced that we will try to work once.I would like to introduce it specifically.

Enka Suzuki (Suzuki / Madoka)

Journey / Representative Director

Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1983.In 2006, he graduated from Kyoto University General Human Human Studies, published the Asahi Shimbun and edited books at Diamond, and became independent in 2016.Fascinated by Goto who visited on a trip, published a photo guidebook with Goto photographers in 2018.In 2020, he will also work on the 2nd Walking Challenge "Shima Gurashi Working in GOTO".

The results such as "a long -term stay on average 6 nights during the sightseeing period", "about 40 % of the applicants are the decision -making layer of the organization", and "1.9 times more customers with zero advertising costs" are attracting attention in the working area.In addition, he is also working while traveling between Tokyo and Goto to create a creator -in -residence plan that uses closed schools, and to create a rich relevant population of Goto and urban areas.In his main business, he also serves as a regular commentator, "W's Traditional Theater -Japanest Most News", which is the MC editor -in -chief of the news media "Utopi" and SHELLY.


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