By, uav-jp 19/06/2022

Why is the domestic drone "SOTEN" sticking to security (1/3)

Kenzo Nonami (photo left), Professor Emeritus of Chiba University and Chairman of the Japan Drone Consortium, and Toshiyuki Washiya, President and Chief Executive Officer of ACSL (photo right)

 "SOTEN" is a small aerial photography drone that ACSL started receiving orders in December 2021.

 The naming is from the image of "fly freely in a space with infinite possibilities of sky (heaven)".The use of infrastructure equipment, agriculture, disaster prevention, situation in the event of a disaster, and surveying is expected.

 The big feature is its high security.We carry out security measures based on ISO15408, an international standard for computer security, to increase the tolerance of information leakage and extraction, and provide a mechanism to pair aircraft and transmitter, so that the aircraft will be taken over.It was difficult.

 In this article, as a special dialogue between ACSL President and CEO of the ACSL and the highest executive officer, Kenzo Nonami, Professor of Chiba University and Japan Drone Consortium, accelerates SOTEN's competitive advantage and accelerates to level 4.We heard a wide range of drones.

What is security for drones?

――What kind of impression did Dr. Nonami have when you see SOTEN?

Nonami: As a first impression, I thought it was well done. As with anything, the product that comes out first is often not very good. The development period is about a year and a half."

Washiya "That's right. Generally, that's it."

Nonami "I think I've done so far in about a year and a half. It looks good, and I felt that the designers were excellent.

Washiya "I wanted the users to be familiar, so I tried to make such ideas."

Nonami "That's also interesting, isn't it?"

――Soten has the aspect of a domestic drone that focuses on security.This factor can be expected to have a drone market.

Nonami: "The idea of a secure drone is very important. For example, even if it is clear that it will improve the efficiency of work if it is used for plant inspection of the steelmaking factory, such a large factory cannot be used without a secure product.It is basically that it can guarantee safety by making it in Japan without having to put things from abroad in all fields. "

Mr. Nonami says that security for drones is an important theme

――What is the risk of using a drone that doesn't have security?

Nonami: "The fact that security is not secured means data leakage is a data leak, because data comes back and forth between the aircraft and the cloud in a defenseless state. Speaking of drones in Japan.Sho. In overseas markets, drones are often used in military fields. Originally, it is necessary to take measures from the viewpoint of national defense. "

Washiya "There is a risk of data leakage, and it is possible to take over the aircraft."

Nonami "If the aircraft is hijacked and thrust into a nuclear facility, it will be a big deal."

国産ドローン「SOTEN」は、なぜセキュリティーにこだわるのか (1/3)

―― It's a related story, but in the digital field, backdoor is sometimes talked about.Who is the standard to put in at what timing?

Nonami "I can't say that in general."

Washiya: The drone is the same as a PC and smartphone, but there are various layers in the manufacturing process, so it is difficult to follow it later. Therefore, it is important to assemble using reliable manufacturers.But SOTEN is also particular about it. "

Nonami: "There is room to enter at various timing of the manufacturing process. For example, even if the company to develop is doing decent things, you may ask for a subcontracting for the board design.Companies ask grandchildren for tips used for boards, and grandchildren may ask their grandchildren to manufacture them.Because people are involved in development, they will not be able to follow their safety to grandchildren and grandchildren. "

Washiya "Yeah"

Nonami: In that sense, software is also developed in the same process, so in the fields that require security, open source software is not really desirable. You can still see the hardware, but when it comes to software, that's it.There is a possibility that the risks are potential where no one knows. In extreme cases, the drone can cause a rebellion at the same time in the era of flying around the sky."

It is difficult to follow the backdoor at what stage of the manufacturing process.

――It's the world of Osamu Tezuka.

Nonami "Yes. Robot rebellion"

Drone industry share situation

――The significance of SOTEN is great.In summary, it is desirable that SOTEN will spread from the viewpoint of national defense, but what are the issues there?

Nonami "Now, DJI's" Phantom 4 Pro "has a very big share. It can be bought for about 200,000 yen and has high stability, so it is used around the world. This Phantom 4 4I think one of the reasons for PRO has become a big community on the Internet. "

――Is it a community?

Nonami: "In other words, Phantom 4 Pro users around the world are in a state where information can be exchanged on the Internet, and many people are looking at it."

--I see.

Nonami: "The charm of the aircraft itself is also important, but it can be widespread due to such a connection, so I hope that Soten users will be able to create a"

Washiya "Open price, we haven't published it"

Nonami: "There are some places that depend on the price, but there is also a strength of secure, so if it works, the share may turn upside down in 3-4 years. After that, use a drone as a tool.If you want to have it, the maintenance after purchase is also important. If you send it for repair every time the propeller breaks, it will be less convenient as a business tool. Anyone can buy repair parts.Wouldn't it be nice to be able to fix it right away? "

Washiya "It will be helpful"

Nonami: "If you put out that kind of thing, there will be some cheap third -partys later, and there is a problem in terms of profits."

Washiya "That's right (laughs)"