By, uav-jp 24/07/2022

Why Pandemic awakened Wal -Mart's largest US retailing | Wealthy asset defense media | Gentosha Gold Online

The new retail strategy "New Ritre" promoted by Alibaba is now attracting attention from the world.What exactly is "New Ritre" that imitates Amazon and Walmart?* This series is an excerpt and re -edited from Doug Stevens's book, "Retail Type and Consumer Questions, which survive the new era of retail," (President).

Does Pandemic kill business?

■ Kyoto Shojo Castle (JD Dotcom), which runs the world's largest logistics network

Pandemic kills business.At the same time, it has the power to create a business.Keito Sho Castle (JD.COM) has been born from such a confusion.

The predecessor is a small electronics shop of about 4 square meters established by Liu Ji -Higashi in Beijing's electric town in 1998.When SARS became popular in 2003, Liu realized that there was a business opportunity for sales on the Internet.At this point, the store closed and turned into an online retailer in 2004.

From there, rapid growth begins.In 2007, the company built a state -of -the -art integrated supply chain and built a system that allows you to control all elements surrounding product distribution, from the last one mile for delivery.One year later, general goods have been available.In 2010, Kyoto launched an online marketplace platform and dramatically expanded the number of products handled.

The situation changes dramatically after partnership with Internet -related companies Tencent (Tencent) in 2014.Tencent, also known as the "Facebook of China," gave Kyohon the right to acquire 18 % of Keoto's stocks, but also to use the platform of WECTFOMA's instant messenger, Tencent's instant messenger.

Weekcht is not just a messenger, but a tool that can be called a "digital amy knife", which is packed with a huge number of third -party apps and packed up to dispatch services, SNS, and online shopping.With this partnership, more than 1 billion WECC users have rolled into Kyohigashi.

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It was not only Tencent who sent autumn waves to Kyoto.Wal -Mart was also planning to work with Kyoto.In June 2016, Wal -Mart abandoned the EC entry in China and sold the mail -order site business to Kyohong, but instead of selling the mail order site business..5.I got 8 %.In October of the same year, this holding ratio was 10.It is increasing to 8 %.

From 2015 to 2018, Keito has an average annual rate of 41 on a real basis excluding the effects of foreign exchange fluctuations..It has grown amazingly increased by 5 %.Currently, Keito has a share of about 30 % in the Chinese EC market and is second only to the top Alibaba (50 %).

Unlike Alibaba, who has no warehouse, Kyoto runs the largest and most efficient logistics network, which is the largest in China (probably the largest in the world).In fact, the company has established a delivery system on the same day for almost all over the vast China, but many people wonder how they are realized.The answer is "2.7 ".

2.What is 7?In fact, as a result of a survey by the company, it was found that if a specific product was clicked in one region, the number of orders for the product would increase in the area as if to follow it.Furthermore, such orders have an average of 2 due to the rapid increase in the number of clicks..The tendency to occur within seven days has emerged.It was also clear that the number of orders was equivalent to about 10 % of the number of clicks.

In other words, if the number of clicks of a certain product increases an average of 1000 times, 2 is exactly 2.Seven days later, the number of orders will increase by 100.In Kyohong, these 2.The gaps of the seven days were determined to be the number of days required for customers to compare and consider more with other options.

Therefore, the function of renewing the logistics system and monitoring the number of clicks is added.When the rapid increase is recorded, the command will fly and from click to purchase 2.The product is transported to a sudden increase in the click on the 7th, and it is waiting for the actual order.If this calculation is correct, customers who order the product will receive it on the same day.

Kyoto has gained a reputation as a world -class outstanding logistics company with such thorough data science and logistics.

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