By, uav-jp 16/10/2022

Takeda Pharmaceutical, ADAPTATE BIOTHERAPEUTICS acquired and solid

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  3. Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited
プレスリリース発表元企業:Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited

Delivery date and time: 2022-01-10 21:00:00

武田薬品、Adaptate Biotherapeutics社を買収し、固形が

-The acquisition will join a new antibody -based γ000T cell engagement platform in ADAPTATE's antibody -based γ000t cell platforms to the portfolio of cancer immune treatment focusing on Takeda Pharmaceuticals -within one year based on the results of research and development partnerships in multiple years. We announced the third acquisition of "Build to Buy" as Takeda Pharmaceutical (Japan/Osaka and London in the UK)-(Business Wires)-Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (TSE: 4502/NYSE: TAK) Takeda Pharmaceuticals ") is today, Adaptate Biotherapeutics (" Adaptate "), a company based in the UK that develops antibody -based therapeutic drugs today. We will inform you that we have exercised the option right to acquire. With this acquisition plan, Takeda Pharmaceutical will acquire Adaptate's antibody -based γΔT cell engagement platform, including the previous clinical candidate and drug discovery pipeline programs. ADAPTATE's γ000T cell engines are designed to be specifically modified the immune reactions mediated by γaku cells only in tumors using genetically modified technologies. This press release uses multimedia. Click here for the full text of the release. : Https: // www.Businesswire.COM/NEWS/HOME/HOME/20220110005110/JA/The acquisition of this Adaptate is the use of GAMMADELTA THERAPEUTICS LIMITED (hereinafter referred to as "Gammadelta") and the use of the acquisition option of Gammadelta (hereinafter referred to as "Gammadelta"). The purpose is to further accelerate the development of drugs. Takeda Pharmaceutical maximizes the potential of γ000T cells in cancer treatment by combining Gammadelta's cell therapy -based platform and Adaptate's antibody -based γornt cell engagement platform with a strong research and development organization of Takeda Pharmaceuticals. You can proceed with your research as a state -of -the -art company. Takeda Pharmaceutical is conducting research and development of cell engines in the treatment of solid cancer using a new T -cell engagement COBRA platform acquired by Maverick Therapeutics as a result of another "Build to Buy" partnership. The Adaptate acquisition plan is a content that complements this initiative. Takeda Pharmaceutical ONCOLOGY CELL THERAPY AND THERAPEUTIC AREA UNIT Head Dr. Christopher Arent.D.) Is described as follows. "It is at the center of our research and development strategy to work with an early development innovator and to provide a state -of -the -art platform for cancer treatment. ADAPTATE's γΔT cell engagement platform and the team have a team. The deep understanding of the physiological characteristics of cells gives us the opportunity to develop new class treatments by utilizing the powerful natural immunity mechanism. It is a part of the efforts to develop treatments that make patients' lives completely different, and can be expected to strengthen research and development of cancer immunotherapy in Takeda Pharmaceuticals. A company established in 2019 after investing from AbingWORTH LLP and Takeda Pharmaceuticals as an outing company. When the company was established, Takeda Pharmaceutical was an exclusive option to acquire Adaptate with a lump -sum contract set by preliminary negotiations. I got it. The acquisition of Adaptate and GAMMADELTA is scheduled to be completed in the first quarter of 2022, but it depends on the period of completion of the US 1976 Heart Scott Rodino Anti -Trust Revision Law. 。 Adaptate CEO Natalie Mount (Dr).Natalie Mount) states: "This acquisition by Takeda Pharmaceutical means that the excellent research that has been a wonderful team full of Adaptate's talent has been highly evaluated for the past two years. We target new Venth1. The possibility of an antibody as an antibody is promptly proven in the previous clinical model, which maximizes the potential of the target of vδ1t cells, and improves treatment outcomes for cancer patients. Tim Haines, Chairman and Managing Partner of AbingWorth, the chairman and management partner of AbingWorth, said: "As a company that has played an important role since the establishment of Adaptate, we are very happy with the wonderful development status of the γ000T cell therapy antibody portfolio led by Natalie Mount. Takeda Pharmaceutical is promising. We hope to proceed with clinical development of therapeutic antibodies and go further stages. "Takeda Pharmaceutical's Oncology Pipeline is specialized in new treatment strategies that utilize the power of the immune system, especially in natural immunity. I am working hard. The natural immune reaction is a mechanism that works as a front line of the Biological Defense Organization in which a wide variety of cells, including γ000 cells and natural killers (NK) cells, cooperate like an orchestra and fight the disease. It is thought that using this will help you overcome cancer, which has the ability to escape immunity monitoring. Adaptate has found a proprietary antibody that selectively adjusts the activity of γ000T cells in the cancer microscopic environment. This antibody is more effective and secreture compared to conventional cancer immunotherapy that is currently undergoing solid cancer by sending signals that accurately targeted the target to the immune system. It is expected to be a treatment. Core missions in the on -color sphere research and development of Takeda Pharmaceuticals are new pharmaceuticals throughout the world, through our science and technology, innovative innovation and passion for improving patients' life. I will deliver it to Mr.. Both blood disease treatments, pipeline items, and solid cancer treatments will be provided to patients who need therapeutic drugs in innovative and competitive research and development. For details, www.Takedaoncology.Please see COM. Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (TSE: 4502/NYSE: TAK) has a value (value) that is headquartered in Japan and focuses on patients based on the basic spirit of his own management. It is a leading company of global research and development type biopharmaceuticals. Takeda Pharmaceutical aims to continue to create innovative drugs with the promise of "for all patients, for colleagues working together, for the earth that nurtures life". In R & D, it focuses on four diseases, on -cology (cancer), rarity inheritance, blood disease, neuroscience (neuroscopic disease), and digestive diseases, and for plaid and vaccines. I am focusing. Takeda Pharmaceuticals will develop innovative pharmaceuticals by promoting research and development skills and partnerships, and developing innovative pharmaceuticals by developing a strong and diverse modality (drug discovery method). We will deliver treatment options. Takeda Pharmaceuticals will develop innovative pharmaceuticals by promoting research and development skills and partnerships, and developing innovative pharmaceuticals by developing a strong and diverse modality (drug discovery method). We will deliver treatment options. For more information, https: // www.Takeda.Please see COM. Important precautions In this note, "Press Release" means that in this press release, this document, oral presentation, and questions, explained or distributed by Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter "Takeda Pharmaceutical"). Response and document or verbal material. 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In this press release, the term "Takeda Pharmaceutical" may be used for convenience as a reference to Takeda Pharmaceutical and its entire subsidiary. Similarly, the term "the Company (WE, US and OUR)" may refer to the entire subsidiary or those who work there. These terms may be used when clarifying a specific company does not give a beneficial purpose. Property information about the future of Takeda Pharmaceuticals This press release and this press release shows the quotes of Takeda Pharmaceuticals, future businesses, future positions and business results, including estimates, predictions, goals and plans, Includes philosophy or views. Future outlook information includes "targets", "Plans", "believers", "hopes", "Continue", and expect. "Aims (AIMS)", "Intends", "Ensure", "WiLL", "Possibility (May)", "Mayy" As well as terms such as "(SHOULD)", "WOULD", "maybe (COULD)", "Predicted Anticipates", "expected (Estimates)", "Prediction (Projects)". It often contains expressions or those negative expressions, but not limited. The outlook information is based on many important factors assumptions, and the actual results may be significantly different from those that have been specified or implied in the outlook information in the future. Changes in related laws and regulations, including global medical reforms, clinical success and judgment and regulatory decisions, and clinical success and regulatory authorities, including the global business, the appearance and development of competing products, including the general economic conditions of Japan and the United States. Difficulty in the development of new products, including uncertainty of the time, the uncertainty of the commercial success of new and existing products, difficulty or delay in manufacturing, fluctuations in interest rates and exchange rates, products or candidate products sold in the market A health crisis such as a new Coronavirus and Pandemic, such as complaints or concerns related to the safety or effectiveness of, has an impact on the government, its customers and its customers and suppliers, and the company to be acquired. PMI (integrated activity after the acquisition), the ability to sell non -core assets for Takeda Pharmaceutical businesses, the timing of selling assets, our website (https: // www.Takeda.Com/Investors/Reports/Sec-Filings/) or www.secret.govにおいて閲覧可能な米国証券取引委員会に提出したForm 20-Fによる最新の年次報告書及び当社の他の報告書において特定されたその他の要因が含まれます。武田薬品は、法律や証券取引所の規則により要請される場合を除き、本ニュースリリースに含まれる、又は当社が提示するいかなる将来見通し情報を更新する義務を負うものではありません。過去の実績は将来の経営結果の指針とはならず、また、本プレスリリースにおける武田薬品の経営結果及び公表情報は武田薬品の将来の経営結果を示すものではなく、また、その予測、予想、保証又は見積もりではありません。Adaptate Biotherapeutics社についてAdaptate Biotherapeutics社は、患者さん自身の細胞傷害性γδT細胞の活性を患者さんの体内で調節する革新的な治療用抗体のポートフォリオを開発する免疫療法に特化した企業です。Adaptate社の標的を定めたアプローチにより、現行のがん免疫療法で頻繁に直面する課題に安全かつ効果的に対処することが可能になります。Adaptate Biotherapeuticsは、2019年下旬に GammaDelta Therapeuticsからスピンアウトして設立された企業で、Abingworth LLP社と武田薬品工業株式会社から投資を受け、キングスカレッジロンドン、フランシス・クリック研究所およびCancer Research Technology社より支援を受けています。Businesswire.See the source version on com: https: // www.Businesswire.Com/NEWS/HOME/20220110005110/JA/Contact +44 (0) 7771 730 919武田薬品工業株式会社R&D Communications, Japan-APAC野村 律子Email: ritsuko.nomura@Takeda.Com Tel: 0466-32-4520

Press Release Information Source: Business Wires

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