By, uav-jp 13/08/2022

Carry Akafuku no mochi from the sky ... Drone transportation tests about 1.8 kg and from the store to the ground about 1.2 km away



Tokai TV

赤福の餅を空から運ぶ…ドローン輸送の実証実験 約1.8kg載せて店から約1.2km先のグラウンドまで

 A demonstration experiment of drone transportation was conducted in Ise City, Mie Prefecture, and local specialty Akafuku mochi was carried.A demonstration experiment on transportation by drones held in Ise City, Mie Prefecture on the morning of the 22nd.It is a specialty of Ise, Akafuku, and a new work "Shiramochi Black Mochi", which has been on sale since last fall.We will verify that soft and easily collapsed mochi can be safely carried safely for the practical use of drone transportation.Approximately 1 total weight.A drone that flew off with a 8 kg mochi.Departing from the Akafuku store and flying smoothly over 65 meters above the sky, about 1.Aim for the grounds of the athletics stadium 2 km away.(Report) "I saw it. The drone with Akafuku mochi is approaching." I arrived safely in about 6 minutes from departure.The mochi, which was brought, kept it looks beautiful.President Kato of the Daito Motor Group: "The hurdles are still high for drones to be used in logistics, such as the issues of laws and regulations and costs.But I think it was cleared today. I wonder if I should take this opportunity to get closer to our lives. "

最終更新:Tokai TV