By, uav-jp 08/10/2022

[Exclusive adhesion] Doesn't it really hurt?Infiltrate the colon camera inspection site of Kotoko Yamaga!Part 1 (adhesion)



[Exclusive adhesion] Doesn't it really hurt?Infiltrate the colon camera inspection site of Kotoko Yamaga!Part 1 (adhesion)

In recent years, colorectal cancer has been rapidly increasing.The colon camera (colonoscopy) is said to be indispensable for early detection.What kind of image do you have on the colon camera?"It looks painful", "scary", "It looks hard" ...Such an image is ahead, but many people do not know the reality.Therefore, this time, I had a diagnostic diarrhea since junior high school and had been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and I had a model Kotoko Yamaga receiving a colon camera, and checked my intestines.In addition, I reported on the state of the inspection.

Kotoko Yamaga (model brand producer)

Kotoko Yamaga (model brand producer)1995年1月23日生まれ。北海道出身、青山学院大学卒業。2015年ミス青山グランプリに選ばれ、2016年に大手芸能プロダクションに入社、女優として活動したのち2019年1月23日に株式会社COTOCOTOを設立。アクセサリーブランド ENELSIA のクリエイティブディレクターを務める。

[Exclusive adhesion] Doesn't it really hurt?Infiltrate the colon camera inspection site of Kotoko Yamaga!Part 1 (adhesion)

Santaro Sagae (Director of Atsugi Gastroenterology Clinic)

Santaro Sagae (Director of Atsugi Gastroenterology Clinic)2007年、北里大学医学部医学科卒業。慶應義塾大学一般・消化器外科教室に所属し、慶應大学病院や平塚市民病院などの基幹病院で、消化器疾患を中心に幅広く診療慶應義塾大学病院や平塚市民病院などで消化器疾患を中心に幅広く診療に携わってきた消化器病の専門医。苦痛の少ない大腸カメラを身近な医院で受けられるよう尽力中。

Kotoko Yamaga has an endoscopy

Sagae -sensei: Have you ever been diagnosed with your intestines in the past?Yamaga: I have been diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).Sagae -sensei: Did you have a test at that time?Yamaga: It was only an interview.I have never done a close inspection, so I would like to take this opportunity to check my intestinal condition!

Reduce anxiety!Know the preparation before the inspection -How to make laxatives-

Mr. Yamaga: Before the inspection, there are some medicines that you have to drink, so I would like to make and drink.Sagae -sensei: 1.First, empty the cap and add water to the line with the stars.2.Close the cap properly, press with both hands from the top of A, and penetrate the wall with B.3.Shake the container well and mix the medicine.At first it is white and cloudy, but it melts and gradually becomes transparent.Four.When the powder has melted, add more water to the 2 liters.Five.Close the cap and shake it lightly, and when the medicine completely melts, it is completed.Yamaga: I got a medicine.It looks the same as water.There is no smell.Drink this for about 10 to 15 minutes per cup.Then I will have it!Yamaga: Oh!It is sweet and sour and tastes like plum.It's like a plum syrup.yes.It looks like you can drink.I imagined more things.There may be surprisingly many people who like this taste.

次ページは:不安を軽減! 検査前に行う準備を知ろう ~大腸カメラの検査内容を専門医に取材~

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