By, uav-jp 01/11/2022

HIHI JETS Soya Inokari & Ryuto Sakuma, the reason for appearing in the "Otama Chocolate Ball" WebCM is from the two people.



Soya Inokari & Ryuto Sakuma

HiHi Jets Soya Inokari & Ryuto Sakuma、『大玉チョコボール』WebCMに出演 起用理由は2人の名前から

 HIHI JETS / Johnny's JR.Soya Inokari and Ryuto Sakuma appeared on Morinaga Seika Co., Ltd.'s "Otama Choco Ball" WebCM. The video was released today from February 25. [Photo] HIHI JETS Inokari & Sakuma, who participated in the Nep League, was produced with the renewal of "Otama Chocolate Ball". In connection with the "crisp texture", which was leveled up by the addition of the chocolate ball crisp layer, two people, "Garari" and "Saku" were used. In the CM, Ikari and Sakuma, dressed in a vivid double suit, appear. If you introduce yourself, "It's a boar gully" or "It's a saku", you'll continue to eat "Otama Choco Ball" in "Kali ♪", "Saku ♪", "Crispy ♪", "Crispy ♪". There is a voice of the heart saying "Infinite Lipi ~ ..." without thinking about its light texture and large satisfaction. It looks like an ecstatic expression from the camera's perspective. Originally, the two who love chocolate balls have always been eating "Otama Choco Ball" without the camera, and in the latter half of the shooting, the staff around me seemed to be worried that they were too eating too much. Say. In addition, because of the first two people, I was nervous at first, but in the scene where I stared at each other for a long time, I was clearly laughing. When the scene where two people chewed on the "Otama Choco Ball" in a complicated rhythm in time, it was perfect until the timing of seeing the director with a grinning face just saying, "Is it the best now?" It was said that it was a peaceful place with laughter in the tension. Q.What are your impressions after taking a video?Inokari: I've been putting it in a commercial for the first time this time, so I hope that the freshness and most of all, chocolate balls will be enliven.I ate more than 50 "Otama Chocolate Ball" during the shooting, but I wanted everyone to taste the "chocolate ball".Sakuma: It was really nice to be able to put it on the commercial of the "chocolate ball" that I had eaten since I was little, and the commercial itself was rhythmical, charming and interesting, so I'm really looking forward to completing it.hey.Q.This time, your two names will be performed in the kick, how are you feeling?Inokari: I was surprised!Actually, Sakuma has been playing a one -shot gag on the stage using his own "saku" since last September, and it happened.So, I was talking, "Isn't this a commercial? There's a saku!"Sakuma, maybe you knew about the CM?Sakuma: I don't know (laughs) Inokari: But I'm grateful to my parents that I was able to get involved in "Kali" this time.Sakuma: I wondered why I didn't notice it until now.In the past, I was able to call it a rattle from the fans, but I didn't notice that it was a chewing sound, so I got more attached to this matter.Q.How was it when you heard the project?Inokari: When I was with my smartphone while I was together during the lesson break, I was informed, so I had a high touch!As soon as I told the members what I would do in "Karisak", I was encouraged, "Congratulations!"Q.I think this is the first time that we can go to a commercial, but how was each other?Inokari: It's my first time to go to a commercial with two people, but I have to work with two people, so I don't have a fresh taste, but it's natural that CM shooting is not so playful.(Laughs).However, in fact, there are places where I usually playfully, so I feel sorry when I look at the feeling of being desperately suppressing and choosing words (laughs).Sakuma: On the contrary, I'm relieved.Because it talks like this (laughs).When I was with my friends, I often grin while shooting, so it was a lot of fun.Inokari: It's hard to look at each other at such a close range, and the grin hidden in my heart sometimes leaked.Sakuma: I laughed some cuts.

Real Sound Editorial Department
